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Everything posted by Andrew94

  1. So i should change it to off then ? It ia on at the moment.
  2. Hello to everyone ! I bought the above mentioned motorised scope 2 days ago for 150£ . Tonight was clear so i decided to try it out... New Duracell batteries, new crt small battery, date and time set, location set to London thow i live in Horsham it does not have this city, 0° inclination, pointing towards north ....but it does not get anything in the viewfinder, it is way off even by 1-2ft.... Daylight saving on...i dont know much about telescopes and mounts so I don't know what to do. If anybody lives near Brighton-Horsham-Crawley-Eastbourne or Portsmouth i can come and maybe you can point me in the right direction. If not advices are welcome!!
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