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Posts posted by Chasm

  1. Gentlefolk,

    Okay, OPT was wrong.  They do not have the EQ6-R Mount and won’t for a while.  So with the Skywatcher 150 on hold I look for advice again.  If I have to wait I shall.  My intention is to do a lot of viewing as I learn about imaging as imaging is a much more complex arena than I had imagined.  Much to learn, much to read and many questions to ask.   

    So back to the question I started with.  What is the right scope for me?   Is a long focal refractor like a skywatcher or Tak 150 a good scope to view with and be able to image with later with the right camera?  WIll a camera with the right pixel size mate well with it?  Is the FOV on this too narrow for all but the most accurate mounts?   MESU and 10 Micron are not out of my budget if that’s what I need and I could also wait on the imaging as I learn and get a light bucket later but, a good viewing scope that will do both would be nice.  I know almost nothing now and less, it seems, as I learn but, I will become proficient eventually.  

  2. 1 hour ago, david_taurus83 said:

    You could probably get away with that focal length if you binned, just, with guiding. The other issue is field of view. It will be fairly narrow at that focal length. Good for galaxies but you won't fit large nebulae completely into view. Depends on what you want to image really. Give it a go with your current scope and see how you get on.👍

    Thanks David,

    I haven’t bought the camera yet so, I can change it.  I’ll be happy with galaxies as I learn to image.  Nebulae can wait for a new scope but, in the meantime would I be challenging myself too much by getting a CCD SBIG 5.5 m/pixel mono camera with a filter wheel?  That would put my sampling at 1.1.  I’m completely new to the endeavor so it’ll be a learning curve at first in any case.   I’m thinking of going with the ASIair as well.  May even need to switch from Mac to windows depending on the processing recommendations I have yet to ask for.  I don’t mind going at this with a gear head start but, I don’t want to make it impossible.  More suggestions?

    Thanks, Charles

  3. 17 hours ago, Merlin66 said:


    In astronomy the camera MP doesn't  mean anything..... that's for home photography.

    What is important is the pixel size and the array size.

    The ASI 2600 has 3,76 micron pixels and an array of 6248 x 4176 pixels.

    Entering this data with your telescope (150/1040) gives a plate scale of 0.74 arcsec/ pixel. This would be a reasonable scale - depending on your local seeing conditions.

    I use CCDCalc for these sort of calculations....http://www.newastro.com/book_new/camera_app.html

    (the title of the camera/ lens is wrong but the data is correct)


    That makes more sense.  What’s your opinion on CCD vs CMOS?  I’ve a processing learning curve ahead of me no matter what so...

  4. Hello,

    I am attempting to order a camera for my telescope to begin learning imaging.  I just discovered the concept of image scale and wanted to verify something.  I have a Skywatcher 150mm/1040mm and wanted to order the ZWO ASI2600.  That camera is 26MP which, if Ive calculated correctly, gives me a 5.15 image scale.  Is that the wrong camera?  Do I need to stay around 9MP?

  5. Turns out money is an object when I add a little sense to the mix and a bit of impatience as well.  I have ordered the Skywatcher 150mm Esprit Triplet f7 with an EQ6-R Mount.  There is very limited availability at the moment and these just arrived at Opt this morning.   Thanks for the recommendations.   I’ve ordered the book as well from England since its $123 for the paperback here in the states.  

    I’ll upgrade to the Hubble later...


  6. Hi Dave,

    I am looking at a Takahashi 130 at the moment.   It is available which is uncommon.  Not sure if it’s Covid, trade wars or Xmas but nearly everything is back-ordered.  Can you recommend a reliable heavy mount?  Something that will offer some GoTo ability but, will help me expand into Astro photography?   Reliability is the most important aspect for me.  


  7. Hi folks,

    New to the forum and returning from so long ago that I should say new to astronomy.   I’m excited to get back to it and start doing some imaging at some point but, first I need a good scope.  I have a Meade LX 95 115/805 refractor on back order but, I’m not sure if that’s the one I should be getting.  Money is not an object and I’m itching to turn it into an LX850 with the 130 refractor but, I’ve heard some complaints about that mount and, let’s face it, some people wouldn’t be caught with a refractor.   

    I have already itchily ordered a fair weight in TeleVue.   Ethos 21, 17, 8 and 4.7 along with a Nagler 31 and a 2x powermate.  And there is a cart with a Panoptic 41 and a 3-6 zoom waiting for my anxious purchase.   I know it’s good glass and I want to back it up with the right equipment.  

    Is Meade the correct choice?  Should I reconsider the OTA?   Can you make some recommendations for an amateur with a decent budget?


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