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Posts posted by gmessyhome

  1. Something I have learned here is, the mount you get is by far the most important thing. Then from there you base everything off from the mount.  A good mount will last you years until you want to progress further. Like someone previously mentioned if you get an eq mount just spend time first setting up and then paint the floor (i actually drilled holes in the concrete where the legs are). I can actually get pole aligned in around 10 minutes based from this.

    Welcome to the skies by the way, its very rewarding.

  2. Hi folks, i have a question on flats for post processing. I took a load of flats through a Celestron edge HD8, using ZWOASI533mc-pro. Using the option of a white T-Shirts. I seem to have got what one can describe as out of focus circles. I tried to focus the circles out however after go both ways on the focuser i could`nt get rid of the circles. has anyone else come across this problem. The mirror both primary and secondary are as clean as a whistle. It could very well be the t-shirt is not the best option for the camera/telescope combo i`m using.

    I know the backfocus of the ASI is 55 and made sure it was at this distance. Kinda open to suggestions

    Ive probably missed a simply trick.


  3. looks like they are running a server from a home somewhere as this link goes offline during the evenings. I managed to get the drivers once i emailed them and the website was up. So those that need the drivers just go look during the daytime, i assume its a measure while COVID is around.

    Anyhow i got the drivers needed this morning.



  4. Hi all can someone tell where i can get the drivers for the following ZWO ASI533MC PRO and ZWO ASI122MC. Looks like ZWO software page is offline and has been for a while. If anyone can link the ASICAP and the drivers for the fore mentioned that would be fab.

    Thanks in advance .

  5. On 29/11/2020 at 10:27, Shimrod said:

    What problem are you hoping to solve by guiding?

    In your thread on cameras you said you wanted to image deep space objects which implies long exposures. Guiding your Evolution on an alt-az mount is not going to solve the problem of the earth's rotation and you will still be restricted to very short exposures which are unlikely to need guiding.

    After reading the replys about alt-az and the headaches it gives for long exposures, im going to get a eq mount. Hence the question on guilding for longer exposures. Im asking the question now so i can get an idea on the target requirements.  Brown Dwarf has reply with something that  makes sense, . Im after information on what other users are using for setups so i can guage what would be suitable for me. Im still looking to inspiration on a main camera to use on the main telescope, however i think im got an idea on what ill end up going for, but ideas are always welcome.

  6. Awesome reply`s folks, you have made me welcome and given some sound advice. Its also has given some thought. I`m liking the idea of splitting my budget for a refrac and a cmos osc to get me started. Having both options available sounds like a good idea for me as i can play with both and get a good feel for which route i will end up taking., with out spending a huge fortune. I can do that later on down the line once I`ve figured out whats best for me. Once again thankyou for all your imputs, i am sure to come back and ask more newbie questions.

    on the bright side my first attempt at the moon came out nice


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  7. Yep new to astrophotography.  the mount the telescope sits on is what the celestron edge comes with, it fork mounted  motorised. I have a canon 700D DSLR camera which i know is not fab hence the question

    Am curious to know why its difficult to use the edge over fracs. I read so much on different ways to photograph the skies.  (still researching)

    Really looking for advice on a camera that i can carry forward to mount of various telescopes whether it be for a frac or SGT.

    I`m also considering a HyperStar from starizona to turn the telescope to f/1.9, which in theory should make taking pictures much easier and faster. I am a point in my life where ill get what it takes to make looking at the skies fun, even if it involves the frustrations that come with it. Frustration is what makes it a challenge and gives me something to think about. With Covid and the shops closed its hard to go somewhere and talk to people in person. Also Astroloogy clubs round where i live have are little and far between, and have long waiting lists. I like the Edge for its ease of use for starters, so i can get use to the skies etc etc. Then  hoping to move along once i have a gained little more knowledge.

    Advice is always welcome and thank you for the above responses.


  8. Hi all,I`ve been looking at a bunch of CCD/CMOS cameras for astrophotgraphy and there is so much choice and variety.Think I`ve narrowed it down to 2 makes ZVO and ATIK. Im looking for ideas from those that already have a camera and have a little knowledge in the bank. Any suggestions for mid range CCD or CMOS cameras please feel free to tell me what you have so i can have a look at the specs. Budget is around £1-1.2k . Thanks in adavance

  9. Thanks guys for replying. However the solution was forth coming from celestron themselves.

    Evolution 8 HD edge is already f/2 ready however they have said its not advisable  to put a dlsr in the front as it will obscure to much for the collection plate. However if you use a dedicated AWO camera then this is doable . But you will need the hyperstar Kit to make full use of the f/2 function.  So in my instance ill be using the reducer with a standard DSLR unitl i can purchase the Hyperstar and CMOS camera.

    So if you have a 9.25 upwards that is Fastar ready then you can simply attach a DSLR camera to the front making sure you have a adapter for your camera. So something like the new Canon RA will work a treat.


    Clear Skies

  10. Hi Folks, fairly new to astronomy and loving the experience I`ve had so far. My telescope is Celestron Nextstar 8 hd edge. My understanding is that this comes with the option of removing the mirror and turning the scope into an F/2 as opposed to F/10.  I`m struggling a little with the adapter i would need to connect my dslr to the front of the telescope. I have a canon 700d and wish to mount it to the front and make use of the the F/2.

    ive read that the Hyprstar v8 will fix to the front and then you can connect the camera to that. However I have seen pictures of a camera attach to the mirror fixing. I`m open to which adapter i would need.

    I posted this in the beginners forum , but got no reply`s so trying here. Have I asked a question that no one can answer ?



    Hoping for more clear skies


  11. Hi Folks, fairly new to astronomy and loving the experience I`ve had so far. My telescope is Celestron Nextstar 8 hd edge. My understanding is that this comes with the option of removing the mirror and turning the scope into an F/2 as opposed to F/10.  I`m struggling a little with the adapter i would need to connect my dslr to the front of the telescope. I have a canon 700d and wish to mount it to the front and make use of the the F/2.

    ive read that the Hyprstar v8 will fix to the front and then you can connect the camera to that. However I have seen pictures of a camera attach to the mirror fixing. I`m open to which adapter i would need.



    Clear skys  :)


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