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Posts posted by Andy08

  1. Hi

    I have been getting advise from these forums for a while but never posted anything. I have viewing for around a year and now just started trying my hand at imaging. 

    The picture below was taken on the 6th Oct using a Astromaster 70mm (not the best I know but all I can afford at moment and only been in the hobby a year).

    A 2 minute video was recorded using Firecapture with a CCD and then processed with PIPP and stacked using AutoStakker. 

    I did use a 0.5 focual reducer on the CCD this time to help with tracking, would removing this help? My mount is a manual EQ. Would allowing the object to drift from left to right and then adjusting it back to left many times to increase video length work? Or would the sudden movement cause stacking issues?


    Thanks for any help






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