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Posts posted by PCW

  1. That's really helpful Mike, thanks. When I look at it now I can see what your saying. I guess that means the surrounding specks would be just noise. Thanks very much for your advice and also for playing around with the image—I used to use Aperture, which I found so much easier than Photoshop!

  2. Thanks for confirming Martin and Mike and for your really helpful comments. At least we know what it isn't! I'm using Photoshop Elements, and have adjusted the light the levels.  I've had a go at taking the white point down. I'm not sure if what we're seeing is sensor noise or stars! I guess my camera is working completely at the limits of what it can achieve. I've attached the adjusted image with image info. Thanks, Paul.



  3. Hi, I’m really interested in your posts on Mayall 11. I got my new 120mm skywatcher pro and NEQ6 mount a couple of weeks ago and after attaching an Alpha 750 camera on to my 18mm Baader Hyperion eyepiece I pointed it up towards Andromeda. I caught this image. Is it Mayall 11, a globular cluster, or just a few fingerprints? I’d be really grateful for your opinions please. 


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