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Posts posted by NorthOfNorth

  1. 48 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

    I'd say start with what you have.

    D3300 is nice camera to get you started in astrophotography.

    You'll just need suitable connection ring. I think that this one is suitable:


    but I'm not 100% sure. Your camera should have Nikon F mount and you need T2 adapter for that mount.

    We recently tried to connect it to my laptop for my son to do youtube videos and had a terrible time trying to connect it to any software. Would that be a problem while trying to learn?

  2. 24 minutes ago, iapa said:

    With that set up, some larger targets include:

    • M31 - Andromeda
    • M42 - Orion Nebula
    • M45 - Pleiades
    • Veil Nebulae,
    • M81/82 Bode’s Nebulae

    Some suggest the first two are probably not best suited to start due to the very bright cores which need a lot of processing. Personally I’d go for it anyway, you can go back and reprocess many times later.

    I’d not bother with this just now, but, as you get more comfortable, the https://www.firstlightoptics.com/pro-series/skywatcher-85x-reducer-flattener-for-ed80.html it widens the field of view and also corrects for some curvature in the lens. (The ED80 has a lens for projecting to an eye ball which is rounded, camera sensor is flat.

    OK thats what it is !! i already have that :)

  3. Hi everybody.

    I have recently inherited a telescope and mount from my father and am looking to continue his hobby. The equipment i have is

    Sky-Watcher HEQ5 PRO Go-To

    Sky-Watcher Evostar 80ED

    ZWO ASI 120MM Mini USB 2.0 Mono Camera & mini guide scope

    From what i can gather the only thing missing is a camera for the main imaging.

    I have tried to do some research into what camera would be best suited for the equipment but the more i look into it the more confussed i get about what is best :(

    I have a budget of between £300-400 and my interest is in deep sky objects.

    I have a Nikkon D3300 at the moment but i have never seen this mentioned so disregarding it, also would a dedicated astro camera be better as i have a home dslr i am happy with??


    so many questions lol.

    Can anybody help me out because i am new it all just seems like numbers and prices

    Thanks in advanced

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