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Posts posted by Archayus

  1. Thanks for your responses.  I definitely want an automatic notification for star transits, because the time of the transit changes each day, so manually setting it every day would be cumbersome.  I did investigate SkySafari's features in this regard, and found it only gives notifications for planet or satellite events, but not for deep sky object events, which is what I am looking for.

    So I am still searching for an app that can do this.

    Thanks again!


  2. I am wondering if there are any apps that would allow one to set up an alarm, alert, or chime for transit / rising / setting times of any particular celestial object, like a star, for a given geographic location.  For example, one could set up an active alert for "30 minutes after Arcturus Rises", or "Rigel Transit", etc.

    There is an app called "Sol" in which you can set up alerts for Sun transits (e.g. 30 minutes before Sunset, Solar Midnight, etc).  But I am looking for one that will work with Stellar objects instead.  

    Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!



  3. I am searching for an online calculation tool that will tell me the exact transit/culmination time for a given celestial object (e.g. a star) for my specific geographical location and date.  I want to know the exact time a star will cross the highest point in the sky for my location.

    I seem to be having trouble locating this type of calculator.  I can find all sorts of other information, but I simply want to know the transit time of a star for my location and date.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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