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Posts posted by SovietShibe

  1. Hey there! So if you have a telescope as mentioned in the title, you probably noticed that the focus wheel stops working after a bit.

    Well If you look under the focuser you can see a small metal piece with 4 screws on it. You need a Philips head screwdriver to unscrew these, WARNING there's a lot of superglue(which actually isn't needed at all) so wear gloves!after you've unscrewed

    the metal piece a small black 2 ended piece should fall out. If it didn't fall, take it out. Now place your focusing wheels back without that small piece that fell out and screw everything back in.
    The remaining black piece that fell out should probably be thrown away.

    Now just don't focus out to the max and everything should work just fine!
    I hope this helped(btw I'm new here so i might've butchered the terminology) *just let me know

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