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Everything posted by refurbmike

  1. Hey all, Thank you for the feedback. A couple of follow-ups: 1. Yes, it is Newtonian. 2. It's just under 5' long with a ~15" mirror (that he ground himself). 3. I was able to keep checking the focus through the viewfinder. I had Jupiter as an easy target to play with. I'm familiar enough with cameras to know that it does need to come out more. For the barlow idea, I found this diagram. I would think the barlow would fit inside the focuser, while the t-ring would grp to the edge of the focus (where the screws would tighten the fit)? Am I anywhere close?
  2. Hey all, My grandfather passed away and I've inherited his homemade telescope. He built it about twenty years ago, so I've been working on bringing it a tad up to date, learning as I go along. For the most part, I'd like to take pictures through it with my Canon 5D. I already bought a 2" t-ring for which fit nicely. However, no matter how far I screw back the focuser (forgive me if that's the wrong terminology), it's still out of focus. I'm not using a lens between the camera and the telescope, am I supposed to? I have a few eyepiece lenses that work nicely, but they don't fit the camera. Any suggestions?
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