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Posts posted by vhscar

  1. Well, first posted here seven hours ago. Not stopped reading , watching, listening since, so much to learn.

    It's the middle of the night now, so should be sleeping , but going out to look at the night sky, for now just with eyes

    So grateful for all the help and advice from everyone, it has been a huge help, thank you very much

    • Like 1
  2. Huge thanks to everyone !

    Didn't really expect any replies, so very pleased and grateful for all the very helpful information. 

    Beginning to realise that there is  bit more to this, some of these objects are VERY far way !

    • Like 2
  3. Hi Mark

    Thank you very much, will read that long thread completely and try and learn more.  It's really confusing for a beginner as there is a huge amount to take in at once

    Useful to know about the shortages, 

    Thanks again.

  4. Dear All, 

    Am completely new to astronomy, and need help on best telescope to buy.  Research suggested perhaps a Meade Infinity 102 AZ3 102mm refractor with tripod, but they seem impossible to obtain ?

    Is there a good alternative , am hoping to view planets, stars, galaxies etc., maybe even black holes but that may be a bit of an ask.   Seems some people spend huge money but being new it may be best to be modest.

    Thank you very much,

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