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Steve o

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Posts posted by Steve o

  1. Yes we were seeing other detail, its  been  a  while due to the minimum but I'm sure there were other subtle details we are missing, and seem to coincide with a group viewing of eclipse or transit.  

  2. Thanks Stu, Yes the focus is sharp and will run in and  out of focus smoothly. Yes it could  be  possible the tuner has become  detached as just the  other day I was looking a the new solar cycle sun spot and the  tuning didn't appear to change much on the new spot. No surface detail or prominences, just orange ball in HA.

  3. Hi, Im new to this forum. Im looking  for advice on an old 2006 Coronada PST. We suspect at some  point during a group viewing  it was knocked  over as there were scuffs on the front lens shield. Since  then we struggle to see anything other  than sun spots no mater how  much tuning and focusing we do, no flares etc.  

    Is there possibly anything we can do internally to check alignment's etc or is there any calibration centres  in the UK ?



    Steve .

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