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  1. That's useful Mike, thanks. The condition isnt that bad and I tend to default to my left eye for normal photography because that's the long sighted one. In fact I cope without glasses a fair bit of the time...the problem is that your eyes are constantly trying to focus in conflict and that usually ends up with a banging headache scenario. I just got the impression from reading that if you weren't wearing specs when you should, things wouldn't work properly...and I'm guessing it's more with AP so I shall be revving up on Bhatinov masks next!
  2. So can someone explain what the issue is around spectacle wearers and telescopes please? I have antimetropia (short sighted one eye, long sighted the other) as well as different prescriptions for distance and close up use. As a long term amateur photographer I've grown used to using eyepiece dioptre adjustment or, in the case of binos, the single eyepiece focus adjuster. While I realise this means someone else viewing would then need to adjust, I'm not clear what problems this can cause with a scope, especially if I'm using an attached DSLR. All the cameras I'd be using (Pentax, Sony and Nikon) have Live View either on the camera LCD and/or via a remote app, so does this mean I wouldn't need to be wearing specs normally, because I can imagine that being a major PITA....I certainly couldn't do it with my cameras. Any advice much appreciated. Paul
  3. Like any modern DSLR the Nikon D3200 has a bulb mode that allows exposure of any length you desire, you certainly are not limited to 30 seconds. However to avoid camera shake you should do it with an appropriate remote which can be bought for peanuts.
  4. I may be in touch! What camera kit are you using Marvin? Paul
  5. All that kit, all that terminology, so much to learn...aye aye aye..! Still, better than being a couch potato. I'm originally from Oxfordshire but spent quite a few years living north of the Brecons in epic dark sky territory and spent many a happy hour looking at the heavens but through nothing more sophisticated than my trusty Kowa 20-40x50 monoscope which did a half decent job. But having moved to SWFrance several years ago (already decently dark skies) and recently bought an old stone barn deep in the Pyrenees where the night sky is just outstanding, it's time to get some proper kit, especially having tracked Neowise over the last couple of weeks, despite it being little more than a smudge with a tail in the old Kowa! As a keen photographer I want to do some astro photography and I'm less interested in the moon than I am further away. I'm looking at stuff like the Skywatcher Explorer 150P DS, and then with advice from a friend who has a small observatory here, the mount and tripod, with GoTo thrown into the frame, have gotten sturdier (I think that's french for 'more expensive') and the scope maybe leaked upwards to the 200P version....where will it all end. Anyway I've looked at a few posts and this looks to be an interesting forum so I'm looking forward to engaging when I finally bite the bullet (preferably when Her Indoors isn't looking) which hopefully won't be too long if supplies pick up again!
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