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Everything posted by cwine

  1. Thanks for your help! Ill try that out but otherwise just deal with it for now. It doesn't stop me from shooting so that is certainly a positive!
  2. Ah so frustrating. Just bought this lens second hand (and I certainly don't have budget to be buying more lenses as a student). Maybe there is something I can do in post processing? Would be very frustrating if I couldn't solve this at all.
  3. Hi! I've been struggling to get rid of slightly spiked/elongated stars that appear on the left hand side of my images. The stars have small spikes coming out the bottom left hand side of them. I use an unmodded Canon 600D with a 70-200mm Canon f4 lens (which I have recently cleaned to try and solve this issue). I use the star adventurer to track, but this doesn't look like the type of trail you get with bad alignment. I've attached some images as an example of what I mean - Example 1 is the bottom left of an image of the North American Nebula, and example 2 is the top right of the same image. Any ideas?
  4. Don't worry - I'll just work around it in Siril, and not worry about Sirilic for now. Thanks for the help anyway!
  5. Hi again - sorry to come back to this but I have an update. I managed to get Sirilic working on my Mac (yay), and it all work smoothly until I reach 'Actions - Step 2: Run Scripts'. At that point I get the error, '***Error: siril don't exist => ?'. I have Siril installed so I'm not sure why it isn't working. Only thing I can think of is that the created scripts say they are only compatible with Siril or later, and I'm not sure if I have that version, and if I don't, how to update to it. Have you ever seen this error before, or have any idea how to fix it? Many thanks - Charlie EDIT - I tried running Sirilic again, but only using lights, and doing it from multiple sessions, and I dont get the same '***Error: siril don't exist => ?', but I get a different script error from one of the python files that comes with the Sirilic download package, specifically, ' File "/Users/charliewinefield/Desktop/Astro Software/Siril/Sirilic/lib/buildscript.py", line 618, in register_stack return pp,last_processed_image UnboundLocalError: local variable 'last_processed_image' referenced before assignment' So frustrating how I can't get this to work! I was so close!
  6. Ah yes perfect - ill certainly look into dithering because I've heard so much about it! Thanks a lot - really appreciate all your help!
  7. My first ever attempt at deep sky astro - criticism is more than welcome - I've so much to learn! 136 mins of lights, f4, 200mm, ISO 800, 60 second subs. Also calibrated with flat, bias and dark frames. I used a Svbony CLS light pollution filter, and a Canon 600D unmodded. (Shot on 2 different nights - 109 and 27 minutes of data respectively)
  8. You are a life saver - I probably seem fairly ignorant towards this stuff, but am super appreciative of the support - makes going into this hobby a lot less daunting! (Presumably I dont check debayer because that will have already occurred during preprocessing) Thanks again! I'll attach my final image so you can see what all this fuss has been about
  9. Hi, so ive tried to do this by putting pre processed light frames from two different nights into a single folder, but it seems that to open a sequence, you need the .seq file within the folder from the session. But that .seq file only relates to each individual set of data. There doesn't seem to be a way to simply open up all .fit files within a folder, as it only seems to open up the files that were processed with the particular .seq file you are choosing (there is one of these for each for the two different sets of data). Ive tried to update Siril but it seems very difficult on a Mac, and I don't have access to a Windows or Linux, and haven't been able to get Sirilic to work. Can you direct me, because I would love to be able to stack these multiple nights data but I'm struggling with this .seq issue!
  10. Haven't been able to get it to work on Mac - been trying to run it but its all been getting very confusing and the modules it is calling on won't run. I might have to leave Sirilic unfortunately
  11. I didn't think dithering was an option unless you were guiding or using software while tracking? I am just using the Adventurer on its 'celestial' setting, which follows the rotation of the sky without any other special options like dithering etc. Maybe I'm wrong but I haven't seen any setting for dithering!
  12. Ah great thanks for your help - I'll see what I can do!
  13. Oh ok, so what you're essentially saying is fully preprocess master light frames for each night and then register and stack them together? I can't dither as I am tracking with a Star Adventurer, unguided, so will have to do it with darks (if that's not a problem). I'm not sure if I've figured out how to open up frames as a sequence, but I'm sure by playing around with it a little bit I'll figure it out! Thanks a lot for the help - much appreciated! Hopefully can get some good Andromeda pics with this technique (I got my first tracked photograph ever a couple of nights ago!) Ive tried to download the latest Siril software from the website, and have clicked 'check for updates' within Siril, and it says I'm up to date - I'm not sure what you mean by 'build it from source' though? Could you explain further?
  14. Ive tried installing Sirilic, and seem to have a folder full of Python files. I'm not sure how to open it up and actually run it to get that front end though. Any ideas? Sorry if I'm being ignorant, but I just started with this!
  15. Hi - it looks like I have version 0.9. I have an unmodified Canon 600D. I havent actually done multiple sessions yet, but I am planning to do it on different nights, removing the camera and setup, and then setting up on a different night. Any ideas what to do?
  16. Hi all, I've seen threads on stacking multiple nights data before, but all refer to DSS, which isn't useful for me on a Mac, as I have to use Siril. I'm wondering how I might go about stacking multiple nights data. If I take different darks, flats, and presumably keep the same bias frames, then how would I go about stacking them. Siril is much more hands on than DSS and doesn't automate the process, so I need to know exactly what to do. Thanks in advance for any help!
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