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Posts posted by Munkymanmatt

  1. Hi all,

    I've recently bought my first scope with decent aperture - a skywatcher 300p flextube dob (goto). 305mm diameter, 1500mm focal length, f 4.9. Along with the scope came a whopper of a 2" Meade 9mm 100° afov eyepiece and a 2" altair 2x Barlow. I also got a dew controller, astrozap shroud and a laser collimator (have ordered a cheshire just to be sure). I'm in the country on the west coast of Ireland so I have fairly dark skies all around.

    Prior to this all I had ever used was an atlas explorer 70mm f10 refractor. To be fair to the atlas, it delivered the moon and planets fairly well for a budget scope, but the eyepieces that came with it aren't great at all.

    Last weekend I got some great views of many DSOs through the meade ep, M13 in particular blew my socks off. The meade is excellent and I'm delighted it came with the scope. I took a peek at Jupiter (with 5 moons showing) and Saturn with the meade and barlow, and I also managed to catch Neowise. The seeing was reasonably good and I got occasional bits of fine detail from J & S, but Mars didn't seem to want to give up the goods. I got to thinking that on nights where the conditions are just right, I could maybe push the magnification higher again. If only I had an eyepiece for the job.

    I've been looking for EPs that are a little shorter than the meade and won't break the bank. The BCO 6mm seems to have a strong reputation, but I am a little concerned about the tight eye relief of approx 5mm. I don't wear glasses (was lasered a few years ago) but I have found on my old atlas scope that tight eye relief = accidentally touching the eyepiece with my face while viewing = very annoying wobbles in the picture. My parents and my partner all wear glasses and may like to take a look as well.

    Another option that seems to be held in reasonably high esteem is the explore scientific 6.5mm 52°. This allegedly has much more comfortable eye relief of 15mm approx. But I've read posts online debating whether this EP delivers as sharp an image as others at this price point and from what I've read online, it might show distortions off axis in a fast scope like mine. Not overly concerning for planetary use, but might be annoying if using it for other objects.

    Could anyone either recommend either of these over the other, or any suitable alternatives? I can find either of these EPs online for about £50-60 brand new.




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