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Posts posted by Robrug

  1. 3 hours ago, PeterW said:

    Nothing that can’t be wiped off. Make another cover that doesn’t squish the eyecups (the lid of the case should stop dust getting in. I think I lost one of the caps for my old 15x70. Mine stored eyecups down... downward surfaces don’t collect dust so easily.



    Thanks Peter.  I'm going to keep them stored eyecups down with a cardboard box over the bins.  I'm normally a bit ocd with keeping lenses covered whenever possible.

  2. Hi all.

    I find having to fold down the eyecups on my bins a hassle as they invariable come of in the process and are fiddly to put back on (Celestron pros 15x70).  Is it OK to leave the eyepiece dust covers off during the day and only put them on when I'm not going to be using the bins for some time, or will this lead to an accumulation of dust or grime on the lenses?



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