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Everything posted by Harlin

  1. Hi, I cannot for the life of me work out how you add the fine tune cables on the Sky-Watcher AZ5 mount. I've worked out the installed knobs are held in by two small allen screws, but removing them still does not allow the knobs to be removed. I've tried 'lightly' easing them off with a screwdriver without wanting to apply to much pressure, but just seems a bit weird they do not easily slide off. Unfortunately the manual is pretty poor for the mount, maybe they didn't expect an idiot like me to buy one... Update: have the mount head being replaced so will wait for the replacement to arrive and hope it's easier on that one.
  2. No I did not, but am gradually adding to the system and a dew shield is on the list
  3. Just an update. I opted for the Skywatcher 127 with an AZ5 Mount, and now waiting for a day without cloud, day six and counting, although I did manage to see Venus on the day the scope arrived Thanks so much for the input and guidance.
  4. Thank you all for your replies, food for thought. I think I knew the different branches would need specific equipment, but wanted to confirm that as that could influence my upgrade\experience path over time, so I'm clear on that now, thank you. I think as it stands I'm going to avoid the GOTO type, and will look primarily for something like the Sky-Watcher Skymax-127 (AZ5) which seems (if I'm right) to tick the boxes of learning how to find objects and if I have absorbed information, should be good for planets and learning regards lenses and attachments etc. If I can extract more information, based on some reviews, they have recommend changing the prism diagonal with a mirror diagonal for this scope, and a 15m Plossl eyepiece. is there any view on the these two 'upgrades'? Thank you.
  5. Hi, Myself and the other half decided to bite the bullet and invest in one of those long tubes for seeing planets. However, the more research I do, the more undecided I become. Initially the scope was planetary objects, triggered by seeing Saturn through a scope on a beach in the Maldives some time ago, however, I think I've been bitten by the DSO Astrophotography bug, and being an IT person, look forward to the weeks\months of frustration in getting things to work as they should in this area. Ramblings over. I have £500, and am seeking some guidance on what would be best, if possible, to satisfy both object viewing, and astrophotography needs. I've been researching for the last two days (seems this 'shared' hobby is coming out of my birthday funds..) and am unsure if I'm looking at a GOTO or motorized mount + decent scope, or the later plus an equatorial mount (plus required lenses and filters etc). I have a Nikon D5000 but have read these are not the best DSLR for AP. Could somebody give me some ideas. Romantically, the wife would like to see planets, myself also, but I'd also like to learn the dark art of DSO AP, as I love some of the images we see of nebular's etc. For example (unsure if I can link so have not), I was looking at the Sky-Watcher Explorer 200p which has the scope, mount, finder, Barlow lens and eyepiece for £470. Would this be the right direction, or am I way off the mark? Steve
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