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Posts posted by ReeceF11

  1. 13 hours ago, Mick H said:

    Hi Reece, welcome to SGL.

    My first scope was a NexStar 90SLT Mak, I viewed Saturn, Jupiter and four of it's moons, and M13 and plenty of other targets.

    So you should be able to see plenty with your scope, just remember you will not see what others have photograghed in glorious colour.

    A Celestron 32mm Omni Plossl eyepiece would be good for your collection, giving you better views of Globular/Open Clusters.


    Try Stellarium program for free on your PC/Laptop it will help you find targets.


    Happy viewing.    

    Thank you so much everyone for the tips! I think I'm overestimating what I can see so fast.


    I have yet to see amazing things. I do love seeing the stars and I am in no way bored of them. I've seen some great shooting stars through the eyepieces which is beautiful. 


    I feel I'm being impatient so I think ill keep taking a look every night. Skyalign is being very figity to setup so I am manually using the hand piece to move the telescope. I think I'll try most the night to set it up correctly.

  2. Hi everyone!

    So I'm very new to stargazing and picked up a Celestron NexStar 130SLT which came with 9mm & 25mm eyepieces. I've used it a few times already but have really only seen stars as little white dots (which I'm still very happy with haha) But I'd like potentially see some galaxies and whatever I can really get my eyes on. Can anyone tell me what I can expect to see out of this telescope and its factory eyepieces. I would like to purchase eyepieces I just have no idea which I would need.

    The telescope I purchased: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0007UQNNQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1

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