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Posts posted by Kram

  1. Hi all. I took my new zwo224 out for a spin last night for two hours and it was a disaster. I can’t keep the target, which was Jupiter, on the screen for long enough to focus it let alone take a pic. It’s not a goto mount which I thought would be fine. But it’s not fine, trying to manually track is a mess. Can I add a motor to my mount to help this or do I need a whole new mount?


  2. The seeing is usually pretty good. Some nights not so but that has to be expected. There’s a dark sky park about an hour away, so I’ll take a couple of trips to it and hopefully meet someone else with a telescope. There is a Northern Ireland astronomy group. They are currently not accepting members because of c-19 but I’ll meet with them when they’re back at it. I’m going to buy a little camera and take it from there. Thanks for your help

  3. Well thanks to all of you. Plenty to think about now. I’ve used the sct for a couple of years with a few different lenses and learned early on to let it cool down outside for a bit before using it. Also the later I used it the better the views I got as planets being higher and generally cooler outside. I’ve had some excellent views of Jupiter and Saturn and the moon never disappoints. But I can’t get good photos (I’m using an iPhone with a bracket to hold it in place 🙈 I know). I do have a Sony a6000 and haven’t tried to rig it to the telescope yet. As good as the views are I feel like I just need a little more power. But then if I upgrade will I feel the same?  Maybe I dunno. I’m not sure if there are any clubs near me but I’ll try to find out because I absolutely could do with some guidance and looking through some other scopes would surely be a massive help. Once again thank you all

  4. Hello all. I’m on my first scope and I love it. This isn’t a major problem but it does get on my nerves a bit. The finderscope is slightly off, no matter how much I adjust it. I actually bought a new one and it’s the same. Not a huge problem but I’m heading for some very dark skies this week and would rather not waste time trying to find things. It’s a celestron omni xlt 127. Any help would be appreciated. 
    move apready loosened the bracket that the finderscope sits into and I’ve tightened it in as much as I can. If I could turn it another bit I’d say it would be centred but I can’t turn it any more

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