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Posts posted by JTTW

  1. Again all, thanks for your replies.

    I read the Alt Az manual (as advised) and can't find any mention of tracking or EQ mode but I have found the tracking options now in Synscan, so I'll try the LUNAR option at the next opportunity. I'm using the camera in place of the eyepiece, maybe that's an issue and I need an extension tube as suggested. I'll try it. I'll also watch the video, thanks. This is all part of the fun of course. I won't give up.


  2. Hi there

    I am a real beginner. I recently bought a Sky-Watcher SkyMax-127 AZ GTi and a ZWO ASI 224MC USB 3.0 colour camera. When I use the wide angle eyepiece I can get a sharply focused image of the moon but when I switch in the camera (using a USB 2.0 socket on my laptop) I can't get the same sharp image on the screen in the ASICAP application, even after refocusing at the telescope.  I have attached a still I grabbed from the video I took. What am I doing wrong (if anything)?

    Secondly, can I upgrade this equipment with a mount that will allow my telescope to 'follow' the moon and if so can you recommend a suitable mount?



    out of focus moon pic.png

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