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Richard Popovich

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Posts posted by Richard Popovich

  1. I have the same idea using a 1550 gallon, white water storage tank, using a geodesic dome kit sold on Amazon.  The diameter of the tank would be just under eight feet.  To keep the weight of the dome to a manageable weight, I am thinking of using corrugated,  plastic panels used for greenhouses.  At first i thought of using the greenhouse materials because it can be purchased as a continuous roll, and then formed around an aluminum frame.  Then I thought about the floor and making the unit waterproof, and I dismissed the idea.  The water tank seems like a better way to go because it is all one piece and waterproof.

    The only specification I haven't been able to find is the wall thickness, which would determine the weight of the dome it would handle, as well as the mechanical track to rotate the dome.  I drew rudimentary plans for this water tank observatory shown in the attachment.  If anyone has information on the wall thickness of these tanks and the mechanical track to rotate the dome please post your ideas/solutions.


    water tank observatory.psd

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