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Arpit Jain

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Posts posted by Arpit Jain

  1. Hello, Thank you for that information. That does help a lot, Do you suggest any lens based on my telescope that I should buy? How does one decide what the best lens would be based on the telescope configuration? 

    Is there a must have accessory that you suggest would help with the experience?

    How do you make the most of the telescope if there aren't any planets that are easily visible?


    Thank you!!

  2. Hello, 

    I have always been fascinated by stars and planets and recently my wife gifted me "Celestron Omni AZ-102". Since then, I have been very excited to learn how to use this telescope. I started with Moon and looking at its craters using my 10mm and 20mm lens. Yesterday for the first time I tried looking at planets, I could see Jupiter and Saturn with my naked eyes and thought of using my telescope for the same. I was able to see Jupiter and its 4 moons and Saturn with its ring and I can't express how happy I was looking at them. I then tried to look at Mars but all I could see was just a small red dot with both 20mm an 10mm lens. 

    I had some noob questions about my experience with using the telescope and was wondering if anyone could help me use it better.

    1. When I use the telescope it shakes a lot, it might be my hands or something but is there a way to keep the telescope stable and sturdy?
    2. Since Mars was just a dot and event Saturn a Jupiter were a little small, is there a better lens that I can use to view planets? I understand with 10mm the view is more magnified so then should I go for 3mm or 5mm or 6mm lens? Would that work with my telescope and give me a better view?
    3. My StarPointer finder (Red Dot) might be a little off, I need to set the starpointer finder to the left of the object whereas the instructions said that if I put the red dot on the star, I should be able to see it clearly. I am wondering if something is wrong with how I am using it or is it normal for the starpointer finder to be a little off?
    4. Sorry, this might be a very noob question but except looking at Stars and Planets what else can I use my telescope for? I don't know if I can see galaxies but I highly doubt it, I just want to explore the beauty of space and have been wondering how to make the most of this telescope.
    5. I was also reading about using color filter with lens but I didn't really understand how and why to use them, is this something that I should buy?
    6. I was planning to buy this lens set "https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00006RH5I/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1", do you think this would help with better viewing? These are the lenses that the set includes 32mm, 17mm, 13mm, 8mm, and 6mm, I was just wondering that if the planets are not very magnified with 10mm then what's the best use of 32mm, 17mm, 13mm lens?

    I am really sorry if these questions are very basic but its my first time using a telescope and after yesterday's small success I really want to make the most of it. Thank you for taking the time to read!! 

    Telescope configuration:

    660 MM Focal Length(F/6.5)

    102MM (4 inches) aperture refactor telescope

    20mm(33x)-1.25 inch Eye piece

    20mm(66x)-1.25 inch Eye Piece

    90 degree erect image Diagonal

    Thank you!!

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