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Posts posted by Tnarius

  1. I'm currently imaging with an old Celestron C8 + f6.3 focal reducer and a ZWO ASI294MC Pro and I want to get a wider field telescope to compliment the C8 for shooting nebulas etc. I am trying to decide between the WO GT-71 and WO GT-81 with their 0.8x Focal Reducer. The GT-71 appears to be significantly cheaper than the GT-81 so I am trying to understand if there is a compelling argument or technical reason to pay more and get the GT-81?

    Thanks for any advice or views

  2. I got back into astronomy last year after a break of many years and have turned my hand to astrophotography but I'm struggling a bit with the quality of my images...

    I have upgraded my old setup (visual only C8 SCT on a non-goto wedge mount) and now have the C8 on an HEQ-5 with a ASI294MC Pro guided by a ASI120mm mini/ ZWO 60mm guidescope.

    To improve my processing skills, I have watched many processing tutorials and even picked up the Astro Back Yard Image Processing Guide, GradientXterminator and Astronomy Tools Action Set as I use PhotoShop however I am still not happy with the quality of my final images.

    Due to my set-up, I photograph primarily galaxies like M51/M81/M82/M101 from my Bortle 6 backyard but I am not sure if my poor images are due to my data (usually ~50x240s subs + darks/flats etc.) or my processing skills. 

    My ask is, would anyone have any good quality raw source images from a ASI294MC with a similar OTA of galaxies such as these that you would be prepared to share to allow me to practice my processing skills on please (maybe along with your final article for me to compare against)?

    Many thanks

    Grant Smith

  3. I'm new to PHD2 and have just been using it on default settings after a calibration and also a run of the Guiding Assistant, I am using a Celestron C8 with f6.3 reducer on an HEQ5 mount (tried with PEC active and inactive) and I am guiding with a ZWO 280mm Guidescope and ASI120MM mini.

    I have 2 queries I am hoping I can get advice on:

    1. I am getting the graph below which seems to have a surprisingly regular oscillation in RA error which I cannot get rid of and looks different to other graphs I've seen where corrections seem much more random
    2. I am seeing a strange behaviour when dithering, although I would expect a spike one way or another, the counter movement seems odd and happens after the dither has finished and once the next exposure has started

    Any suggestions on what to try to address this would be appreciated please, I'm afraid I didn't record any logs, I can do that next time I have a clear night if this graph isn't enough to troubleshoot from.

    phd2 Screenshot.png

  4. I've been back into the hobby for nearly a year now focussing on astrophotography with a C8 and a OSC camera focussing mainly on galaxies for now and like many people I am shooting from town and getting frustrated by light pollution challenges (mainly LED here). I'm wondering whether to get a broadband filter like an IDAS D2 and leave in to generally improve everything or whether to get a narrow band filter like a Optolong L-eXtreme and capture extra subs to draw out the detail. I would very much like to hear your thoughts and experiences when comparing these options.

  5. I just wanted to check in and say hi from Berkshire! I'm returning to the hobby after a 20 year break and wow things have moved on a bit in that time, especially in the area of astrophotography that I am particularly interested in. I still have my original fork mounted Celestron C8+, a couple of eyepieces and a very dated Starlight Xpress HX516 so have everything technically needed to get back into the hobby but fancied a bit of an upgrade to rekindle the interest so... I've invested in a new HEQ5 Pro Go-To mount from FLO to make thing easier (awaiting delivery) and will use my DSLR in place of the HX516 for now while I save up for a more appropriate/modern refractor & probably a ZWO camera at some point in the future.

    I look forward to being a member of this great community, you've already been so useful without knowing it from the lurking I've been doing whilst trying to get up-to-speed again and I look forward to chatting with you all soon.

    Clear Skies!


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