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Everything posted by JTGalway

  1. Sincere thanks. @Shimrod: Thanks for the link. That's the one I really couldn't find. I searched all kinds of websites and forums. Maybe my search terms were just off. Anyway, I appreciate the effort and the assistance. I've looked at the base of the mount and it has a conical insert with about 1 1/4" diameter at the base and this looked fairly specific. It's kind of why I posed the question to begin with as I'm not sure if this is a standard kind of thing that many mounts come with. The benefits of breaking into a new hobby! 🙂 @Cosmic Geoff: Thanks for the advice. I have considered a different mount as well but I don't really want to go nuts and spend a fortune. Astronomy is not something I can put a lot of time into (for personal reasons) at the minute and I'm really looking for a quick starter that's cheap and easy to get off the ground (excuse the pun). I may be back looking for something more substantial in a few months time! Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  2. Hi all, This is my first post to the forum. I recently acquired a used Celestron 130EQ with the stock mount but the original owner managed to break the tripod (I believe they are flimsy) and binned it. I've looked online for a replacement but I can't seem to find one, even on Celestron's website. Well, I don't think I can find one; none of them list the 130EQ as being suited to the tripods listed there. The only relevant info I can seem to find about this is other users saying that there's have also broken and they can't find a replacement. They are usually advised to just repair the broken tripod with something more substantial, replacing the commonly broken plastic with aluminium, but I don't have the tripod to begin with. I was hoping to just get online and order a replacement tripod. Does anyone here know of a different model of tripod that will fit the stock mount that came with the 130EQ? It doesn't have to be Celestron. Or do I need a new mount as well, at which point is it worth considering a new telescope entirely? It would seem a shame to dump a telescope and mount due to a missing tripod! Thanks, John
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