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Posts posted by ks2847

  1. Morning everyone

    I've not long had my Powerseeker 127 eq and have struggled with the stock finderscope.

    My first impressions; it feels cheap and the adjustment screws don't appear to help a great deal with the movements needed to become aligned. It doesn't take much for the scope to need realignment, regardless of how I set it up. Even aligning to the moon was tricky, and I could never get it lined up in the crosshairs, it was always slightly off centre. 

    Perhaps I need to persist with the stock finderscope till I perfect it. Thankfully, I'm not currently aligning to Polaris to help with viewing the night sky. I don't have a great view from my garden so I'm only really moongazing atm, which means using the finderscope isn't absolutely necessary right now, but as I progress I'll clearly need to get it perfected.

    I guess my question is this, how much benefit is there in upgrading with a red dot/circle finderscope? Is the fact it's a cheap telescope (or perhaps, the fact it's that particular model) mean alignment could always be tricky? Would a "better" finderscope make it easier, or will I encounter the same issue?

    Any thoughts/advice is welcome


  2. Hi everyone

    I'm new to this forum and astronomy in general!

    I recently purchased a Celestron Powerseeker 127 eq and have played around with it for a few days in the back garden here in Milton Keynes. Looking forward to exploring the sky a lot more over the summer, weather permitting.

    Thought I'd say hi, before I ask a million (approximately) questions 


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