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Posts posted by mh6081

  1. Hi All, been lurking around as a newbie, primarily building DSLR kit up for wide field imaging firstly and then looking to moving onto scope stuff, however I am considering the above which is available second hand as a starter kit.

    Question's - 1) Suitable for a complete novice?

                         2) Suitable to attach a DSLR to with appropriate T Ring and weight capacity for the mount?

                         3) Suitable for basic visual viewing as seen something re the 200p vs pds and an issue for basic viewing?

                         4) Any other advice would be gratefully received.


    Many Thanks


  2. 1 hour ago, Drifty_T said:

    Hello Alan, I'm also brand new to this and live in Great Wyrley! I've yet to kit up too but I've a partner in crime who has recently purchased a SW 102 mak and we've been playing around like kids at every opportunity. Hoping to dip our feet into observing and ap, so I'm after a larger aperture reflector. 

    Does anyone know of a club or meet around here?  Would be nice to talk to some others about this stuff once this lock down has blown over... 

    Anyway, nice to meet you all, best of luck Alan. 


    Hi Joe,

    There is a society in Wolverhampton, I think One of their members quoted in the thread above that Alan started and I believe there is one in Walsall who meet in Rushall/Shelfield area. Should be easy to google.  I will be ordering something soon and I am leaning towards the Skywatcher Explorer 150pd-s. Probably a little more that I wanted to spend especially if I go for the eq5 goto mount, but at the risk of running before I walk thinking might as well go with it..... maybe 🤔

    • Thanks 1
  3. 23 hours ago, Merlin66 said:

    For the novice, eyepieces are a minefield!

    IMHO until you've trained your eye to see detail in the object being observed stick with the ones that came with the scope or cheap alternatives.

    Do don't need $$$$$ Nike running shoes to enjoy a stroll in the park. By working with what you have, you gain experience and knowledge which later will help guide you to a "better" eyepiece - why? because by then you appreciate the limitations (and what impact they have on you) which you hope to solve.

    Softly, softly..........

    As Alzoscope said, yes all us beginners try running before walking, so I am deliberating on something like a Celestron  Astro Fi 130mm, Nexstar 130slt or the Skywatcher Explorer 150pds on the EQ3 mount or similar at under £400, but did wonder if worth consideringSky-Watcher Explorer 150P-DS EQ-5 PRO GOTO the obvious difference being the mount which is quite a bit more money but once I have got some experience, start looking at imaging which I believe is where the EQ5 will be beneficial for weight bearing for the camera and the focussing effect of the extra weight. Excuse the highlighted text, I have copied the brands over to save typing and cannot get rid of the highlighting 🤔

  4. 2 minutes ago, ALZASCOPE said:

    Hi fancy you living in Cannock where are you based i live in Huntington 

    I know what you mean it is a minefield out there it doesn't help that you can't actually have a good look and feel at what you are buying but these guys here have the knowledge they will assist im sure

    Anyway good luck with whatever you choose and I'm sure we will talk again soon


    Cheers Alan, I am only in Wimblebury, yes, just being able to go to a shop and spend an hour picking their brains is worth it and getting a feel for the equipment. I don't know about you, but you feel that you are asking the same SFQ's as a newbie that have been asked a 1000 times on forums and you then spend ages trying to research the subject matter and then find yourself being dragged off onto something completely not what you were looking for and by the time you have realised you ask yourself 'how did I get here and what was I looking for originally' or is that age?? 🤣 All the best

    • Thanks 1
  5. Hi Alan, like you also a newbie this week to SGL and also live in Cannock The only difference being I ain't bought no kit yet. I'm one of those getting led down different paths however I am now thinking something around either a Sky-Watcher Explorer 130ps AZ GTi or a Celestron Astro Fi 130mm. From what I can make out they both appear to be similar so any help from anyone would be helpful. Once I get round to understanding things plan is to add a CCD camera

    • Thanks 1
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