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Scorpion Rob

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Posts posted by Scorpion Rob

  1. Greetings to one and all,

    I have been watching videos of people making home observatories. Some built professionally but a lot homemade from scrapes of wood and bits and pieces. To be truthful, they all look great. My question is :-

    How to the telescopes last out in the weather conditions, of freezing cold, condensation, high temps with the son. Some have computers and stuff in there to. No one ever says that they had a short circuit or any issues?

    Some I have seen have been direct to the garden floor or grass. I get the you can build a box with a lid but how do you keep the equipment safe and long lasting. I am sure its me missing something but I am curious as if it is a simple answer then I may construct myself. Thank you for any comments or input.


  2. Hi Guy`s

    Steve - yes it is a nice spot. I am a radio ham as well and its great from a radio point of view contacts all over the world very easy. lol

    Adam -  Those are great pics ( In my humble opinion) Yes would like that myself but of moon, planets nebs etc as well as general looking around.


    Thanks again for all your help and advice.


    Very appreciated

  3. Hi Everyone,


    Thank you in advance for any help or advice you can give me.

    I am going to guess this question has been asked a million times before and I did try and find a thread first but I could not.

    I am looking for a new telescope. I have had scopes in the past (many years ago) I want the scope for the following reasons ;-

    • General star gazing, Looking at the planets, there rings and moons etc
    • Deeper sky items such as nebula`s and such like
    • Astrophotography - just a little not massively

    I live at the top of a small mountain, 1000 feet ASL and min light pollution. Budget around £1000

    I KNOW, realistically I am looking at three different scopes.

    Does or can anyone recommend a scope that would cover most of it?

    Thanks again for any help you can offer



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