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Posts posted by Squire

  1. I guess I'm looking for recommendations of which make lenses to get next - I'd like to get 1 more eyepiece & a barlow lens.

    16 hours ago, miguel87 said:

    Short answer is more magnification, so either a 2x barlow or an eyepiece in the 4-6mm range perhaps.

    In your shoes I would get a quality eyepiece around 6mm and a decent barlow lens. You will then have 25mm, 12.5mm, 10mm, 6mm, 5mm and 3mm!


  2. Luckily, I currently live in the middle of nowhere, but there is a forest facing my south/south east though, so I drove around it to view Jupiter & Saturn yesterday morning around 3.30am. Similar to you, it was on a pull in on the country lane, slightly elevated. Where I stopped, it is facing the Severn bridge though, but there wasn't much I can do about that. there were no nearby lights. the motorway/bridge is 5 or so miles in the distance.

    I really am interested in the visual astronomy, when I moved out here from town/city living, I loved going out in the evenings and seeing all the stars, all my life I'd hardly noticed any. The idea of actually seeing a planet was (and is) amazing to me. I would like to get into the photography side as well, but for now, as much as I can see myself is my immediate goal.

    This is the scope that was bought for me as a surprise Bday present - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Celestron-22203-Wireless-Reflecting-Telescope/dp/B01L0EQMZQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=E1IQVGWCZXB2&dchild=1&keywords=celestron+astro+fi+130&qid=1589530768&sprefix=celestron+astro+fi+130%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-1

    It wasn't bought from Amazon, she got it from a specialist. I just did a search for the model to show you.

    The selfalign is meant to work by pointing it at 3 random stars using their phone app SkyPortal, it's very similar to SkySafari but also has the controls for the scope in it. you select a star, click align, and do this 2 more times, it's then meant to work out where it was pointing (I assume from the distance between the 3 stars) and then you can select what you want to look at. this failed.
    the alternative manual alignment. it's is similar to above, but when you point at a star, you select in the app which star you're looking at. so it was difficult to pick 3 stars I could identify which were visible. when I got to the 3rd star, it said alignment failed.

    when it's aligned, the app & scope work together, you're meant to be able to select a point in the app and click "go to" - it also has a lock button in the app to track the object. if I can get it to work, it should be a very easy thing to use.

    thank you all for your help

  3. I've been bought a Celestron astro fi 130 for my birthday, first telescope, and loving it so far. (I have issues with the aligning, but have managed to see some great images of the moon, and I found Jupiter & Saturn. My question is (and I apologise, I know it's bound to have been asked before somewhere) I have a 10mm & a 25mm lens, I want to see the planets in more detail - I could see a round disc shape of Jupiter, and 3 of it's moons - but I could make out no details of the surface of the planet, with Saturn, I managed to see the disc, and could see the 2 "cup handles" of the rings, but it was very small, and hard to focus on. - I would love to see this in more detail. I've read that I need a 2x barlow lens & possibly some different lenses?.

    I'm not sure if the telescope will be going back, the self auto align doesn't work, and aligning to 3 stars failed 5 times before I gave up. (luckily jupiter & saturn were easy to find this morning). but I would like to get some accessories that would work on a replacement as well (keeping the same size 1.25 lens).

    what is worth buying that will make these images clearer for me? - the astro fi 130 talks about seeing polar caps and details of the stripes - I saw a shape.

    I loved it, and am hooked already, but I know I have loads to learn and am eager to see more.

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