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Posts posted by DozyG

  1. Thanks for all the input, looks like its the AZ-GTI for me then. 

    Can the slewing speed be cranked down to keep the noise levels down on this model? From the spec it has encoder wheels so you can move it manually without it losing track of where it is, so presumably you also have the option of manually moving it to roughly the right area of the sky and letting is slowly do the rest? 

  2. Thanks for all the prompt and informative replies. The EQ3-2 mount at a similar price point to the goto mount is non-motorised (although I appreciate it can be upgraded to a motorised mount for tracking purposes) so it was a choice between the SynScan and the manual eq3-2. The point about finding things quickly to avoid the kids getting bored is an excellent one, I think that has sold me on the goto option. 

    The AZ-GTI mount has thrown the cat amongst the pigeons slightly though, when you say its a better mount, do you mean its more stable and solidly constructed, or is it just easier to use via the smartphone interface than the other goto mount? 

  3. I'm looking to buy my first telescope for visual observing and had settled upon getting a 127mm mak, primarily on the basis of portability. LP isn't too bad where we are but there are houses and trees which will cause some obstruciton and I liked the idea of being able to take the scope on camping trips where there's a chance of some unimpeded dark sky viewing. I've been interested in astronomy for ages but the kids are now showing an interest and especially now we're all stuck at home I thought it would be a fun and interesting thing to get them into. 

    Anyway, I noticed that skywatcher seem to sell two versions of the Skymax 127, one with a SynScan goto mount, the other on an eq3-2 mount. The OTA seems to have the same spec as far as I can see but visually they're different, one white and black and the other all black. Does anyone know whether they're actually different in performance or construction? 

    Also, I was expecting to shell out more for a goto mount, but the version with the goto mount is actually cheaper than the version with the EQ3-2 mount. Is the goto mount likely to be less sturdy and will therefore have more issues with vibrations etc? Just trying to figure out why anyone would go for the eq3-2 mount (I'm sure there must be reason but I know too little to know what it might be!)




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