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Cols Astro Journey

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Posts posted by Cols Astro Journey

  1. Thanks Miguel, I appreciate that its the same magnification from the telescope (750mm) but the sensor size in normal photography can effectively increase/decrease focal length by using the same lens on different cameras that have different sized sensors and I just wanted to confirm its the same using a telescope.


    I guess I just need to know if its possible to use/focus this telescope (150pds) with all three sensors.

    Anybody know if thats posible?

  2. Hi all, just wanted someone to confirm something for me.

    I am a pro photographer and just getting into this hobby, so I have plenty of photographic equipment and am about to pull the trigger on a S/W Heq5 pro mount and the S/W 150pds telescope (750mm focal length) and I assume my camera sensor will dictate the focal length?

    So can I assume with my full frame sensor (nikon d750) the focal length to be 750mm, with my crop sensor (nikon d5300) 1125mm and with my M43 olympus to be 1500mm.

    I hope that makes sense but I cant find this information any where else?


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