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    Texas, USA

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  1. This actually looks like it would be fun to do. I do believe this first telescope has taught me a lot about viewing the sky with the wrong equipment. I will be buying a new scope looking at the Skyliner 200p Dobsonian but this time I will do a better research in regards to upkeep and factory parts installed. But then again this project looks like fun for me and my son to do when he gets home.
  2. Ok so can you help me with this to make sure I haven't done this incorrect? The concave part of the correcter lens is facing the mirrors is this correct or should the concave be facing towards my eye? Sorry for all; the questions I am very green when it comes to astronomy.
  3. So even if I take out the corrective lens I cannot collimate the mirrors using a laser? Do I need to used the eyepiece instead for collimanation? If I use the eyepiece for collimation do i need to take out the corrective lens also? Y'all are really helping me a lot thanks!!
  4. Decent price ranges on these scopes. Is the Sky-watcher a UK company? Or is it Flo that is?
  5. So may not even focus correct with no blur? Hahaha seems right for my first telescope
  6. I have collimated it 3 times. I did have to put a center on it as it didn't come with one. Used diagram overlay and watched video on how to. I have measured to ensure center on mirror. Should I take off the secondary mirror and clean it? I am leary with that mirror so if I should any pointers with it and placing back right would be appreciated. thank y'all for all the help so far. I used a laser collimater
  7. Yes i have cleaned the primary mirror using distilled water. Inspected was clean and re-installed. Should I also clean the secondary was nervous about taking that one off. Also the corrective lens was cleaned that is when I noticed tghe scratch
  8. Hello all I hope y'all are doing well. I have a question about the corrective lens on the 127 eq. I just started viewing the sky recently and bought this telescope. I kept noticing a blur to everything I looked at Moon, Star, Venus etc. I cleaned everything from mirrors to corrective lens and noticed a tiny scratch on the corrective lens. I am figuring that this has been causing the issue with the blur. It is dead center on the lens. Can anyone tell me if this is the issue for the blur that I noticed? If so, where can i purchase either a new lens or a new housing where the lens is located? I have looked online for corrective lens to no avail. thank you in advance for answers. Have a good day all.
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