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Everything posted by FacelessMan

  1. Thank you! I've been using a PixelMath formula to recorrect the final stack with the Master Flat. I also generate synthetic flats and process with those. It's a PITA though. I am using SGP's Flats calibration wizard, but I'm not fully sure if it is working.
  2. Thanks for deleting the identical topics. After I posted the first one, I thought it would be a better fit for this forum.
  3. I used Pixinsight to integrate. I've tried before with all frames with both .fits and .NEF extensions, but it doesn't make a difference. I converted them to tiffs so everyone could see them/view them. I'll post the raw fits in the link as well. I calibrated the flats with flat darks, and then the light with the flat. I calibrated the lights with darks as well, but it doesn't help either. All of these images were taken within a couple hours of each other. Thanks for the help!
  4. Good day! I've been having a lot of trouble with flat frames. Like a lot of trouble. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get them to work. I've tried a bunch of different ways of calibration (with darks, without darks, with bias, without bias, with flat darks, without flat darks) and they have NEVER worked. I've tried different file formats, programs, everything. They either overcorrect, or undercorrect. Here is a link to a dropbox with a flat, flat dark, and light. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mmy0f1i0gexgjgg/AABReKlQjCIxcpm9K7qyZmm5a?dl=0 I use a modified Nikon D5300.
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