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Everything posted by DaveMoss

  1. Hi all, thanks for the welcome and for your posts - REALLY helpful. I tried as @Louis D suggested and after getting a slightly sore neck it does seem to focus when I fully extend the focus draw and hold the eye piece around 6cm away from the entrance. So it sounds like I need a new diagonal piece - I’ll have a search online. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly I really appreciate it - hopefully the replacement part works, I will keep you posted!
  2. Hi all, Another newbie here - I found this forum after searching for help with my out of focus Celestron Astromaster 70eq. I’m not sure if this original issue was ever resolved but I’m having similar issues with my focus, I’m wondering if anyone had any ideas? I bought the telescope brand new a week ago and was able to view the moon no problem. As I took it out the garage for a second I stupidly managed to knock the telescope (I think the erect image diagonal hit the wall). Now I am unable to get clear focus on anything, even when looking at a house 1km down the road through the full range of focus. I can’t see that anything is damaged (it wasn’t knocked very hard) and both eyepieces are fine. When I remove the eyepiece and look directly down the erect was image diagonal I just get blur, however when I move my head up about one foot away from where the eyepiece goes I can see the image clearly in focus (though my eye is now at a distance from the eyepiece part). It feels like if the focus knob could keep moving the device outward it would eventually focus, but all I’m getting is a smudged image. I managed to get Venus centered last night, but no matter how much I played with the focus it just moves in and out of being more/less in-focused. Any ideas on what might resolve this, or does it sound like I’ve broken something and need to send it back? Thanks for any advice! Dave
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