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Everything posted by DavidClarkAstrophotography

  1. Good idea. I shall do that. (although I have had an email reply about getting a new (unreleased) version of the SDK driver, so I will see if that helps first)
  2. Hi On all my camera images using a new QHY163M, I get a single row of black (or grey) pixels on the bottom of the image. Is this normal? The pixels have no 'data' in them. Just the same constant value. It is visible in all my astrophotography images, in PixInsight or Photoshop etc, and taken with either APT or SGPro. How do I fix this? It is annoying, especially when trying to create mosaics! Here ( https://drive.google.com/open?id=1X-zFb8HGHv3dUpPv0F8Tr4NRaz3DGY56 ) is a sample, increased in scale to show the bottom row. (the entire image is meant to be 4656 x 3522 pixels, but is apparently really 4656x3521, with the final row constant). I understand that this might be something related to the driver option "Remove Overscan Area", but this problem is apparent regardless of whether this is set to either ON or OFF. (see https://drive.google.com/open?id=15wOz8WZDWeG_kZhkPQ9jF6ax65A2mK20 ) https://drive.google.com/open?id=15wOz8WZDWeG_kZhkPQ9jF6ax65A2mK20 Do other people see this same behavior? If you zoom into your QHY camera images, what does the last (bottom) row of pixels look like?? Thanks for your help. David
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