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Posts posted by Norniron

  1. Thanks Ron , i've had good views of the moon and seen Jupiter and Venus but only really as discs of light - no colour or detail . I know it is a beginners Telescope but just wondering if it was  up to the task . I've noticed that  the Sky at night seem to give every telescope four or 4.5 stars . Maybe not the best place to research a new buy .




  2. Hi all , new to forum and fairly new to astronomy . After a little lazy research a few months  ago i bought a Bresser Messier AR-80/640 . I read a review on the sky at night  website they gave it 4/5 stars and said they viewed Saturn's rings quite clearly . This was one of the boxes  i wanted to tick and went ahead  and made the purchase . Try as i might i can't see Saturn's rings . Is a 3 inch aperture too  small ? Or is there a  better time  of year to view Saturn ? I've tried various eyepiece combo's with and without a barlow x 2 to no avail . Anyway thinking of an upgrade and was thinking of a 8 or 10 inch dob . Had been looking at a Skywatcher Skyliner 250px , Bresser Messier 10inch dob or an Orion Skyquest XT8 plus .Anyone any thoughts on these scopes or preference ?

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