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Posts posted by fadheloo

  1. 56 minutes ago, Louis D said:

    You're never going to see galaxies from a heavily light polluted area.  If your night skies are washed out and relatively few stars are visible, solar system objects and some star clusters and double stars will be your main targets.

    An 80mm f/5 refractor is generally referred to as an ST80 meaning a Short Tube 80mm.  They have loads of chromatic aberration and spherical aberration.  They're only useful up to about 60x, so that rules out using them for solar system objects aside from the moon.  These are fine for travel, spotting scope duty, and low power scanning of star fields.  I have had one for 20 years and rarely use it because it doesn't do anything particularly well except white light solar with a proper front mounted solar filter.

    An 80mm f/11.2 refractor would be much better for general astronomy.  Much less chromatic aberration and practically no spherical aberration.  The computerized mount might come in handy in light polluted skies to find dim objects, assuming you can see enough bright stars to align it in the first place.  The 900mm focal length is just about ideal for beginner astronomy as well.

    Thank you for your reply :)

    my location (Bahrain - small island ) does not help at all because we don’t have dark skies , yet i want to experience some of the deep sky objects but i guess i have to accept the reality😬 


    i’m pretty sure going for the 900mm one now


    thank you very much for your help :)

  2. Hello guys 

    i have decided to buy my first telescope , and since not many websites can deliver to my country i've got limited choices to choose from based on my budget

    i've narrowed them down to these two telescopes i will attach a picture of them and their features 

    are these telescopes any good considering that i'm living in a small island that is pretty much light polluted ?

    i know it's gonna be hard to see galaxies and nebulas with this telescope but how far  can i go with this telescopes ? 


    what accessories do i have to buy other than a phone adapter to take pictures with the telescope ?

    Note . ( both telescopes come with a 9mm and 25mm eyepieces so that is 36x and 100x magnification )

    Thank you in advance :)



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