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    newbie so easy DSO, galaxies, anything I can image!
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    Bearsted, Kent

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  1. So dewshield made no difference. I also posted on cloudy nights and they agreed with Louise & Olly that it’s due to diffraction issues probably as a result of the filters and/or camera. I will do some experimenting with removal/ repositioning of bits and report back paul
  2. Thanks Louise, I’m going to try tonight with the dewshield on at the same target and check all my connections etc. If that doesn’t work, I’ll reconfigure my imaging setup although I haven’t had these issues with my refractor. Best wishes Paul
  3. Sure thing - see attached. Fingers crossed for a simple-to-fix error! BW Paul
  4. Thanks Olly for the reply! So does that mean I'm stuck with this issue? To be honest, if there isn't a way to fix it, I'm going to return the Edge and stick with my refractor as it doesn't seem to suffer this issue. BW Paul
  5. Hi all, I suspect this is a fairly common issue, but I haven't found the right search criteria to look it up on the internet for myself yet. I started imaging last night and found these artifacts on my Ha images (brief stack of 8 x 300 sec subs). Darks and flats applied (no artefact on either of these that I can see). My setup for this was: 1) Celestron Edge 8 HD (no dewshield on) 2) ZWO OAG to ASI 120 mini 3) ZWO filter wheel 4) ASI 1600 I use the imaging rig with my WO Z61 without any artifacts so I don't think it is due to any issues with the filter wheel/ OAG for example. I wonder whether it is internal reflections in the SCT? -? secondary mirror reflection - if so, at least the collimation looks reasonable Second question: why do there seem to be regular artifacts (I can count about 16 in a 4 x 4 arrangement? Any help much appreciated, and I fully expect a "you dufus, it's...…" response Best wishes Paul
  6. Hi John I bought an EQ6R a few weeks ago and bought this monster: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/batteries-powerpacks/nevada-ps-08-6a-8a-regulated-linear-power-supply.html primarily for the consistency of output and the ability to power few heaters etc via the terminals. not sure if a similar device is available in the US though? Best wishes Paul
  7. Hi all, I'm hoping I can get some wise advice on what to purchase so I don't chuck money down the drain (been there, done that!). I started out with a Celestron Nexstar 6 - spent a year failing to image using the alt-az mount using my DSLR, tried the wedge (epic fail) and then decided to purchase an SW EQ6R after playing with their little staradventurer and a WO61 (which I'm impressed with). My interests are nebulae and galaxies which I am finding more and more fascinating at this time of year! I have recently added the ASI 1600 mono which is a superb bit of kit and have just starting imaging with the Nexstar 6 (see firstlight M51 from the weekend with limited data). Hopefully I can play with this and the WO61 when suitable targets are in view. I have been considering investing in a large-ish refractor (SW esprit 120) but was wondering whether my money would be better spent on a slightly smaller refractor (SW esprit 100) and a celestron edgeHD 8 instead? Clearly slightly more expensive but would possibly give me more versatility? So questions: 1) Will the EdgeHD 8 give me a significant jump up in optical performance compared to my Nexstar 6 (which I've struggled with vignetting and coma correction) or should I just persevere and purchase a flattener/ reducer for the Nexstar 6 (I tried this with the DSLRs but it had terrible vignetting so I returned it) 2) Will the optical performance of the esprit 120 be significantly better than the Nexstar 6/ edgeHD8 and sufficient to crop more aggressively and given me a pleasing image of galaxies, thereby negating the need to purchase the EdgeHD8 Apologies for the long post! Best wishes Paul
  8. Yep I’ve been using that but as you correctly assumed in your previous post, I’m coming from a dslr photography background and trying to get to grips with the whole pixel scale thing - the ccd suitability calculator tool is useful however for a guide. Many thanks for taking the time to explain the concepts though! Paul
  9. 😂😂😂 Yes I am resigned to that fact. Your images are beautiful - I’ve seen your stuff before and it’s always impressive but I have to be more realistic with what I can hope to achieve with a budget of £2500 and bortle 5 skies. sounds like I need to consider the esprit 120 to get the FL and complement my WO 61 and sticking with my dslrs (crop and full frame) for now then going for a smaller pixel astrocam - any suggestions? Zwo 183? (2.4 um pixels) - slightly under sampled but gives a similar FOV to your tec 140 plus atik 460?
  10. Yes I'm getting myself confused on what's going to give me the best imaging possible for the money: 103 WO + cooled astrocam eg WO Z103 + zwo ASI 183 (gives a CCD suitability of 0.9 which seems ok?) 120 FL esprit plus my Nikon D7000 (I also have a D750). My intended targets are nebulas and galaxies - I realise galaxies are at the edge of these sorts of refractors' focal lengths, but I was hoping a smaller sensor astrocam would make this feasible. Obviously I can get the Esprit 120 and stick with the Nikon for now, and save up for a dedicated camera at a later stage. Only thing I've realised lately is that skimping on decent bits of kit ultimately ends in frustration and after succumbing to purchase, results in a "why didn't I do this earlier!!"
  11. @alacantSo in the setup for PHD, I was selecting my zwo camera and then using "on camera" for the mount. Am I supposed to select EQMOD ASCOM HEQ5/6 there then instead? I tried this before but couldn't get it to work. I have my zwo guide camera attached to the mount via the autoguider port and also to the laptop. Do I disconnect the autoguider cable, then find a specific EQ6R driver, and just run the zwo using the single lead from camera to laptop, which in turn is connected to the EQ6R via its usb connection? Paul
  12. Thanks John, looks like a beautiful scope but for that money I think I'd get the Esprit 120......hmmm, now there's another option to consider! @Lockie I'm not sure I'm discerning enough to notice the CA - and surely I can edit this out with photoshop? Thanks for the opinions though! I'm sure I'll be very happy with either - just want to know whether the price gap is justified in real world images.
  13. Hi all, I have a WO Z61 which I love but I want more reach. Have just got an EQ6R Mount which I’m learning to use and the next step is probably a 100mm refractor (strictly AP only). Obviously the Esprit has excellent reviews everywhere and is a triplet but am I likely to notice £500 difference compared to the WO z103 doublet + reducer/flattener? Alternative: buy a dedicated Cooled Astro cam for my z61 and get some reach that way whilst entering that rabbit hole - OSC vs mono etc etc (Currently using FF and cropped dslrs)? Cheers Paul
  14. Lovely - will read when I get home from work. Thanks paul
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