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  1. Great tips, thanks so much. Mini heater seems to be the way to go. 🙂
  2. Hi all, hope you’re having a nice sunny day at home. One of the key reasons I do it get enough observing in is the fact I have to lug my 10”Dob plus base from my house up to my elevated garden to get going. So I have decided to put a small 2ft x 2ft, maybe 2ft x 3ft shed in my garden so I am always ‘ready to go’. My concern is the ongoing condition of the scope and whether the tube or base will suffer from being in a shed. What measures have others taken to keep their external scopes in good condition? Is it best weather proofing more, or more ventilation? Or am I going to have to invest in a protective cover? Any help and advice always appreciated. Thanks, Lee.
  3. Yes mine has the Teflon pads as well. It’s functional but just feel it can be improved on. Especially as I tend to nudge using the knob on the tube more than the handles. I’ve also slightly adjusted the bolt tension now, see if that helps as well. Really appreciate the comments and links all, many thanks.
  4. Thanks all. I will have a look at the lazy susan option. Mine certainly didn't come with one and I prefer a more permanent solution to adding a bit of olive oil between the sheets.....
  5. Hi Merlin, thanks for the reply. It's the rotating left and right which is a little jolty right now. Up and down generally ok. Its the standard Skywatcher base for the 10" Dob.
  6. Morning all. Nothing like a bit of quarantine to get you back in to astronomy. It's been a little while since I had the scope out in earnest and I have noticed that the nudging on my Dob has had to become a little more forceful. What I am looking for is to get my dob 'gliding' and a smoother action. Can anyone share some good links or tips to help me improve my Dob base? Many thanks and stay safe all!
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