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Posts posted by gmanoug

  1. First Timer on Stargazers.

    Using a generic Max-Cass telescope, primarily for lunar viewing.  I have had good success with a photo mounted DSLR.  Recently, just using the eyepieces (including a Barlow), found I cannot get  it to focus through either either the primary eye piece or  alternate 90 deg. eyepiece.  I tend to see more reflection of my own eyeball and floaters.  Can't get nearly the image I obtain with  the camera attached. What part of the telescope is likely the problem.  Since the DSLR still relies on the telescope focusing knob, Where do I start?

    Could a jolt have caused a focusing failure, mis-alignment? Closest shop for me is Skies Unlimited in Pottstown, PA.

    Thanks in advance. If  post should be elsewhere, please advise.

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