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Everything posted by OleMyrvoll

  1. Hi all, and thanks for replies Yes I managed to get the wrong log file, right is here. I may have been abit quick about round stars..they are somewhat round with small eggshapes...not much. I was kinda happy with the result actually..hehe I feel there's so much to learn, and enjoying staying out at night..but this is way more complicated than any youtubers describe PHD2_GuideLog_2020-03-20_210302.txt
  2. Thanks Steve I may have some additional info, came to think of this: I did my polar align with my main scope in Sharpcap, I read alot of people are doing that with their Guidescope...Can that be of extra info? Best wishes!
  3. Hi everybody. So in the time of COVID-19 and finally some clear skies I was eager to go out and try to do some first light with my setup. Celestron AVX mount Orion SSAG guidecam with Orion 50mm Guidescope SW ED80-ds pro with 0.85 focalreducer/flattener Altair Astro 269C camera I'm wondering if there is anything fundamental wrong with my guiding, i see lots of bars on the upper end, and usually highest numbers in the RA graph.. I have gone trough guide assistanse once, and saved my setup in PHD2. I do get exposures with round stars at 60-120-180sec...but feel still unsure if the guiding is as good as I can make it I Polaralign with Sharpcap and usually gets excellent with around 3-10seconds off..but that graph keeps going up and down with every frame it seems like. Would be great to hear from some of you experienced users out there, trying to go out tonight as well as it seems to be the last day of clear skies here i Oslo, Norway for a while. I'm also debating if I should bring my Celestron C6" SCT to do some galaxy imaging..with a 0.63 reducer/flattener, but feel kinda unsure about the guiding part Greetings and hope everybody stays safe in this time! Ole PHD2_DebugLog_2020-03-21_101410.txt PHD2_GuideLog_2020-03-21_101410.txt
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