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Posts posted by sebn

  1. I had the same target on Friday night, was a lovely clear night but a very bright moon. With nearly 3 hours of data i have much the same result. With much stretching and changing the colour balance aggressively i can make out the general shapes and  bright areas of the nebula. I was using a stock dslr  @ 200mm F5.6, 90second exposures. I'm pretty sure it was just because the moon was so bright. I will give it another go when the moon is in a better phase.

  2. Lovely clear skies here this evening, shame about the brightness of the moon, cant grumble though, any opportunity!

    My very basic starter imaging rig. Star Adventurer, dslr with ac coupler, raspberry pi running astroberry and dew strap. Powerline adapter giving raspberrypi a fast connection back to the house so don't have to rely on dodgy wifi.


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  3. Thankfully we had a few hours of clear skies here in Dorset this evening, there was a band of cloud that passed over around 21:00 but it soon went.  I was trying astroberry for the first time controlling my image capturing session (dslr). After working out a few bits I managed to get about an hour and a half of M31.

    Had the 8" dob out while the imaging was happening and had a good look at the Orion nebulas and the beautiful Pleiades.

    • Like 9
  4. Hi all,

    I've been a casual visual astronomer for the past year or so and have recently started to venture into the astrophotography space. I'm looking for any intel on quiet, dark and safe locations around the blandford area.  I have been to badbury rings a couple of times in middle of the night and whilst it is wonderfully dark, I have encountered on a number of occasions groups of youths causing havoc in their cars in the car park.

    I wouldn't expect decent places to be talked about openly on here but I'm happy to receive pm's if people are willing to share.

    Also completely up for meeting with other local astronomers in the area too for sessions, safety in numbers etc.

    Thanks in advance.


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