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Posts posted by Aldebaran88

  1. Hello everyone,astronomy newbie here.

    I'm looking to purchase my first pair of astronomy binos  and was wondering what is the difference between the Celestron SkyMaster Giant 15x70 and the Celestron 15x70 SkyMaster Pro binoculars?

    On paper they are very similar.Same magnification,same size of the lens,same type of glass -bak-4.

    Why are the skymaster pro binos more than double the price of the skymaster giant?

    I was looking at these 2 models because they are fairly lightweight and can be handheld for short periods.

    I'm not interested in higher magnification binos because they are heavier and require a tripod.

    I look at it like this: if i need a tripod in order to use my binos i  might as well get a telescope.

    Thanks in advance.

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