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Everything posted by MP21

  1. Hi John, yes it would involve transporting it to use it which leads me on to another question. Do people generally take their big telescopes out into the countryside to use as I've never actually seen anyone do it?
  2. Hi all, another newbie here. After reading many articles (a lot on here) I'm being driven towards a couple of options for my first telescope. A lot argue that Bresser are better quality but is that extra quality enough to choose an 8 inch over a 10 inch dob? Another option could be the Sky-Watcher Skyliner 200P Dob which then leaves more money for accessories. I just want the usual things, moon, planets etc initially and not looking to get into astrophotography at the moment. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. https://www.harrisontelescopes.co.uk/acatalog/bresser-messier-8--dobsonian-telescope-4716420.html#SID=1684 https://www.harrisontelescopes.co.uk/acatalog/skywatcher-skyliner-250px-parabolic-dobsonian-telescope.html#tab-3 https://www.firstlightoptics.com/beginner-telescopes/skywatcher-skyliner-200p-dobsonian.html Cheers Mark
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