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Everything posted by itsbrittanyhere

  1. I bought it on amazon llc. Amazon said out of return window. The shipping address is the same on on the Celestron website for repairs or returns. They sent me a ups label
  2. The shipping label says California. Celestron and they told me to ship it there on the phone.
  3. Sending it back to Celestron. They said they’d repair. Hope it doesn’t get damaged in transit because they have me removing all protection except some foam. Kinda crazy. I also really don’t like that it’s only 6 months old and I have to ship it somewhere to risk damage and not just be sent a new one. But I guess it’s better than no fix.
  4. I’m guessing it’s bad since no one knows? Does anyone have any idea what it could be?
  5. Need help. Had it for a maybe 6 months and it’s inside and not been touched and only used a few times. When you look in the eyepiece the view is half blocked. It’s almost like the mechanism that rotates the mirror from the eyepiece to where you attach a camera is partially blocking the view of the eyepiece when the mirror is being used for the eye piece. how do I fix it? How did it happened?
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