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Posts posted by HWStar

  1. Well, I finally received my scope and backpack 3 weeks ago. The box weighed about 45 lbs. and I had to move it into the house with a cart...ugh. So far the weather has been lousy. The first week, we had a full moon and hazy skies almost every night. The second week I went on vacation and couldn't play with it. This week the sky have been overcast every night and now the smoke from the fires out west (I live in Michigan) has finally reached us and is creating haze as well.  Scope is still in the box...based on the weight of the scope and backpack, this is not something you would go hiking with, I think.

    • Like 1
  2. Mine is coming mid-august. Cost over $200 for import tax and shipping. Yikes this is close to costing me $2k...it better live up to my over-the-top-expectations...like all the astronomy stuff I buy, lol. I've always been underwhelmed it seems.

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  3. My guess you are really into a beta-test of the scope, and that they have put off delivering until some of these problems are fixed. It's a general issue with all new products like this. Glad you are one of the ones finding all these issues before I get mine...;o). 

  4. Received shipment info that was put off until June, now stating mid-July. Again because of the Covid19 virus issue.  Import tax to US is 7.5%. plus shipping, so I'm thinking another $200 plus--yikes. I might just pass on this, getting too expensive.

  5. Got an email from unistellar with latest activity for backers. This is what they said. I'll post only the text. They have clock times for viewing all the Messier objects. They also posted this youtube link for a real time look at how the scope enhances images:  (For more info and actual images go to: https://unistellaroptics.com/ and click on the Messier Marathon) I'm still waiting for my scope--Covid-19 permitting... :o(.


    Unistellar April 10, 2020 Update

    Dear backers,

    As you know, COVID-19 restrictions have hundreds of millions of people sheltering at their homes and avoiding unnecessary trips. A lot of businesses have been forced to close their doors and resign themselves to an uncertain fate. Thankfully, as we continue operating, our hearts and souls at Unistellar have been overjoyed to be there for you during this difficult time. Your kind support and encouraging words are tremendously appreciated.

    We have to confess that we have been completely overwhelmed by your positive perseverance in these times of uncertainty. Hundreds of you joined our “Astronomy from Home” movement during Unistellar Global Messier Marathon Week held from March 19 to 26. eVscope citizen astronomers from Canada, France, Finland, Germany, Italy or the United States have been adventuring all through outer space. For a lot of amateur astronomers, this observing challenge has been on their bucket list and many of you have been impressively successful.

    For those new to the hobby, a Messier Marathon is an event where astronomers observe as many Messier Catalog objects as they can during a favorable time of the year where the moon is absent and the sky orientation allows them to observe all of them. There are 110 Messier objects, all galaxies, nebulae and star clusters. The Messier Marathon map we proposed:



  6. Just got an email saying they delivered 1,000 Evscopes so far. That is definitely a manufacturing milestone. Now, if we can just get rid of the virus. Here in Michigan it's starting to warm up to tick season. So we will have our Corona with a squeeze of Lyme now...what too early :O).

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  7. Burzzard75: Thumbs up. Let us know what you see!.  I'm mostly a photo camera guy, so sensors like this are laughable, but, we are two different worlds here...I'm not trying to be negative, but you have to understand, that they decided on this tech about 4 years ago as I understand, so we have some catching up to do. 

  8. Okay, I didn't learn much from their already expressed videos and websites. Just have to wait until it arrives, I guess.  One take away, was that they are continuing to improve the software on a constant basis (so is this going to be a firmware upgrade?). The sensor is 1.3 meg, which is old tech by today's standards, I think (what do you think?), but given the years they have put into this, they are probably locked into it for several years of production--and using software as the improvement. Like lots of tech these days, remember how great we thought the first iPhone was? Get ready for an interesting array of tech like this in the next ten years. More to come....

  9. Hmm, apparently, they changed it to March 5th. My email specifically stated Feb 27, but I see this youtube link as changed.


    Edit: Just got an email that they postponed until March 5th due to bad weather today, Feb 27th.


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  10. I just received my delivery date of sometime in May, plus the need to verify my shipping info.  Plus got another email under a different email address that offers new buyers financing payments for 4 to 5 months to guarantee delivery this summer. Total cost around $3,250 if financed. Only good for several more days.

    Also, they discuss the problems they were having with manufacturing hardware, which is very difficult to get the same object made exactly for every scope that comes down the line. I know that casting or forming metal can be dicey simply because of the expansion/contraction problems of metal when hot and cold. I guess I'm glad I didn't get one of the first ones off the line, now.

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  11. I ordered back in 2018 and have not received my scope or backpack. The site is now encouraging new buyers to order now so they can get one of the 291 scopes that are left to deliver until June. I think they are displacing current campaign buyers for new buyers because of the price increase they can get--signaling that they are hard up for cash. . If you are one of the many that have not received your scope, plus contact the site and find out what's going on. I've seen this before on kickstarter and Indiegogo. Buyer beware....www.unistellaroptics.com

  12. I wondering the same thing, Rob.  I will keep in touch here. I think I represent many of the people that would/will buy the Unistellar.  Years of dreaming that someday I would see first hand, some of the same images that the pros have seen for years and described using their huge Dobs. I had a 10", but never used it much; just too hard to setup and try to find something, plus we have a reasonable amount of light pollution here in Southwestern Michigan. And mosquitos--ouch, plus a lot of mosquito viruses now, so I stay inside at night, mostly.  And now we wait...I am also a published writer, so I will give an fair, but thorough review from my newbie perspective.

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  13. I ordered the Unistellar middle of last year after they had proven more of the concept--and at a higher price. However, having looked at the images of the Vaonis Stellina (just google it), which doesn't have an eyepiece, I thought this might be a better experience with similar images. However, the Vaonis Stellina images posted on their website are very sharp and almost textbook comparatively (granted at a higher price), but with a similar sensor and smaller 3" objective. So now I'm worried. Oh, well, I guess I will have to wait and see when they finally deliver mine this summer...And, I'm a newby to all of this, so my expectations are probably way, way to high, having only looked through a telescope several times in my life.

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