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Posts posted by howardgrams

  1. To happy-kat: I had forgotten to mention what camera I use - it is an ASI 183MC Pro.  I've edited the original post to add that information.

    The M101 image had Sharpcap stacking 227 separate 4 second exposures, while the M61 image  was a stack of 201 3 second exposures.  So no, this is not "lucky" imaging. (I have played with that to image the moon or planets,.)

  2. You certainly don't need an equatorial mount! I have been very pleased with the results I've gotten with my iOptron AZ Mount Pro and a Celestron RASA 8. 

    The camera is a ZWO ASI183MC Pro.

    Here's M101 on April 10 with 15 minutes total exposure using Sharpcap:


    And here is M61 with its new supernova taken on June 12 using 10 minutes total exposure using Sharpcap:


    Assuming it's permitted to post a link, I have a blog at https://howardgrams.github.io that shows many more images taken with this combination.

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