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Paul Crate

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Posts posted by Paul Crate

  1. Hi. I have two Vixen MD-6 drive correctors that I use with my GPD2 mount. The controllers are from the Super Polaris days and work with 8 pin MT-1 motors. One of them is what I remember from way back when with a red LED that lights when the power switch is turned on. The other is different then I have seen in that it has a green LED that comes on when the battery pack is connected and appears to the best of my ability to determine to have a low battery indicator  built in as the green LED will blink rapidly with a tinge of red when the batteries are low. It returns to a steady green LED with fresh batteries. Anyone here can shed some light on why they are different. Are the red LED models something that sold in the USA and the green in Europe? 

    Thanks, Paul in Florida

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