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Posts posted by Stonecutter

  1. Hi, given up on dry January already, but the SeeStar S50 is so easy to use someone who has had rather too many gin and tonics can still operate it....

    Here is my 30 mins of M42 after looking out of the window to a lovely sky.  Processed in Siril.



    • Like 6
  2. M45 from last night an hours worth of data using the SeeStar, I intended to try Jupiter,. butgot M45.

     Very pleased with results although field rotation starting to creep in.


    • Like 9
  3. Here is the Pacman Nebula hour and half with SeeStar then edited in Siril.  I find it very easy to look out of the window see clear skies and put out the SeeStar even if for 30 mins.  I would only put out main rig if 2 nights of clear skies now.

    Now if they produced a SeeStar SXXX pro version I would be very tempted.....


    • Like 8
  4. Took 20 mins of Pelican IC5070.

    Took individual fits files ( after the new firmware upgrade ), that seems to be for iOS only at the moment 🥲, sorry Android owners.....onto Mac computer fired up Siril

    1.  Stacked.

    2. Photometric colour calibration

    3. Background Extraction

    4. Deconvolution

    5. StarNet into starless and stars only files

    6. Generalised stretch on each

    7. Recombined

    8. Exported into LR for final contrast/dehaze and voila




    • Like 5
  5. Here is my M27 with SeeStar note the new watermarking ( it can be turned off in settings ).

    I have enhanced ( doubled size ), and added contrast/dehaze in Lightroom.  Very pleased with result.  Details on watermarking


    • Like 10
  6. firmware update available now....

    the main features are Station Mode to connect to home network if desired, and the big one in advanced settings there is now the option to save individual fits frames that it auto stacks for stacking externally from SeeStar S50.

    Can't wait to try them out, seeing above I think M33 will be next target.




    • Like 2
  7. The Seestar S50.  On first setup you get a Chinese voice saying something, then once it has connected to the app it changes to region i.e English in my case.

    From then on it talks to you for every instance i.e "connected", searching for target, target acquired, shooting, shutdown etc....in a very loud English voice the "target acquired" sounding out loudly from my garden gave me some concern :)

    You can mute the voice as I have done......


    Here are a couple more images the Pelican nebula and Elephants Trunk.

    Pelican is 7 mins exposure time and Elephants Trunk 90 mins.  

    My latest thoughts -

    1.  field rotation seems to kicks in ( ZWO uses an algorithm to combat this ) after an hour of capture time.

    2.  High zenith targets cause it to loose more stacked images ( this is why there is an exposure clock on display as opposed to images counter )

    3.  The voice announcing what it is doing is too loud (option to mute ) neighbours must wonder what is happening in my garden.

    4.  Still very exciting and so simple to use, I have it on a very high tripod with a heavy battery pack in a stone bag, which raises the unit above my head ( I have lots trees to combat ) and works fine, and makes it easier to see.

    • Thanks 1
  8. Here are a couple more images the Pelican nebula and Elephants Trunk.

    Pelican is 7 mins exposure time and Elephants Trunk 90 mins.  

    My latest thoughts -

    1.  field rotation seems to kicks in ( ZWO uses an algorithm to combat this ) after an hour of capture time.

    2.  High zenith targets cause it to loose more stacked images ( this is why there is an exposure clock on display as opposed to images counter )

    3.  The voice announcing what it is doing is too loud (option to mute ) neighbours must wonder what is happening in my garden.

    4.  Still very exciting and so simple to use, I have it on a very high tripod with a heavy battery pack in a stone bag, which raises the unit above my head ( I have lots trees to combat ) and works fine, and makes it easier to see.



    • Like 11
    • Thanks 1
  9. Additional Info.

    1.  No polar alignment.

    2.  Used App on iOS and selected best tonight from my location.

    3.  Choose NGC7000 and select go to....then I moved the Red View box on screen to wall region and selected GoTo which it did

    4.  no exposure settings, it just does a couple darks then 10secs exposures

    5.  It has a light pollution filter built in and auto selects it for nebulae etc and your location I assume

    6.  Battery life ( 30 mins took it to 89%), no dew heater selected ( option in app )

    7.  Since I had last used for solar it was at infinity focus but you can just press screen ( like most phone photo apps ) and refocus.

    8.  first couple of stacked images dark but gradually colour comes in.

    9. Stacked image is small around 400K and saved to ( in my case Photos app on iPhone ).

    10.  Connect unit to computer USB turn on and it appears as drive, enter my works folder and there are two files the 400K auto stacked image in jpg format and a 12Mb FIT format file which I transferred.

    11.  Photmetric calibration in Siril worked on image first time, says 250mm Telescope 2.90 pixels.


    Hope that helps.

    • Like 1
  10. Got mine Friday.

    Immediately did the solar shot, very pleased my first one ever.  Then last night Sat, put unit on very high 168 cm fibre tripod levelled it and took 30 mins of 10 secs exposures ( not sure how many were stacked as intermittent clouds.)

    Exeter Bottle 5 back garden lots of high trees ( hence tripod and stone bag to weigh it down ).

    Watching the result come in as stack built was very exciting, I normally go for standard 180secs exposures on ZWO MC533C.  Clouds came in, bought inside.  So light and easy takes seconds.  Set up is at most a minute. ( See Ciuv or ZWO setup videos ).

    I intend to use it when I go camping in van mainly in Dark skies of coastal Cornwall and to show grandkids when we all go camping.  I am amazed at the value.

    This morning took fit file ( only has original stacked and stacked fit file ), of the North American nebula Cynus Wall into Siril for quick edit, then into noise reduction software for the final result.....




    Cygnus WallEnhanced-SR-2.jpg

    • Like 7
  11. Hi all

    I was very pleased with the this capture of a Perseid on the 12th from my back garden in Exeter.

    Setup Nikon Z6 with 20mm F1.8 ISO1000 for 10 secs exposure for 4 hours shooting and captured this one just before the clouds, got 10 others but none so majestic.



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