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Everything posted by CJinNH

  1. Photography is secondary, thank you for the reply.
  2. Hello, CJ from NH, USA here. I have been looking to get into a bit of star gazing, interested in deep space viewing - completely fascinated by it. Possibly do some astrophotography. SO after some research I came to the conclusion I would get a 10" dobsonian reflector. Seemed like the best bang for the buck. I know me, when I get into a hobby I can't start little and work my way up, I want to get as good as I can from the start because I know I will be unsatisfied and just continue to buy better and better. Rather than become frustrated, just get better equipment from the start. Basically if I'm going to be a bear, I'm going to be a grizzly. So I'm thinking of spending around $500-600, figure I can get a decent set up in that range. I'm mechanically inclined so collimation and set up will not deter me. So after this research I happen to stumble across a person in town that is relocating and selling a Meade LX-5 12" Schmidt-cassegrain f/10 for under $1,000. In pristine condition includes everything and several additional add-ons. So my question is , would it be worthwhile to jump on this ? or am I throwing money away for a marginally greater experience? Just not sure being new to this that in the future once I learn more would I end up there anyway? S
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