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Posts posted by Genki

  1. On 01/08/2019 at 10:34, wxsatuser said:

    Lets assume that you might be seeing satellites.

    If you seen them again please post your location, nearest city or town will do.
    Also note the time, this must be near exact as possible, not approximately.

    Direction of travel will help plus if it suddenly fades out before it goes under the horizon.

    Hi, thanks for the replies and interest.

    I'm based in South East England by Tonbridge in Kent. The ISS passed approximately 10 / 15 minutes after the object we saw.

    I also saw 3 fainter satellites that were travelling from a southerly to a northerly direction, these came after the ISS, there were a number of others on a similar path that followed after these and within the same hour.

    Could the object be powered intermittently so maintaining a high speed at a lower orbit?

    Apologies for the sketchy details.



    The satellite / object  appeared to be a bright reflective light, but not blue / bluish, I believe it was at a lower orbit than the ISS.

    My wife and I both thought we saw the object change direction, I assume this was an optical illusion.  


  2. On 13/06/2017 at 04:48, wxsatuser said:

    I think orbital velocities give the game away.

    Watch satellites in something like Stellarium, tell me if you see any that are 3 to 4 times faster than any others.

    The only way that sats are faster and it's not a lot, are Molinya orbit types, maximum 10km/sec at perigee.

    If anyone thinks they are 3 to 4 times faster, it's an illusion.

    I don't believe these sightings are an illusion.

    My wife and I had a similar experience to the other writers, we saw a very fast moving object travelling from west to east, over south east England.

    It appeared to be reflective light, both on approach and as it  travelled away from us, this was around 10.45pm on Monday 22nd July 2019. 

    We were astonished at the speed of travel, 3 to 4 times that of the ISS, we wonder what we had seen?

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