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Everything posted by Rich486

  1. yes the more I am finding out the more I think it’s not worth the trouble. Luckily I only paid £20. Seems like a nice telescope but what’s the point if it won’t do the job. Thanks for all advice and astroboot link
  2. Ahh ok. Do you think it’s a correcter lens missing at the bottom of focus tube just for my reference? Would that be concaved ? And in your opinion do you think that’s something I wouldn’t be able to buy or get made? Thanks or you help, I am wondering if telescope can be saved or best for the scrap pile!
  3. No it’s got both mirrors and eyepieces but this telescope is meant to have a lens at the bottom of the focus tube. It will only focus 3 meters away with out it. A few people advised me of this from this forum. It has a thread at the bottom of focus tube so makes sense now
  4. Can anyone help me with a missing objective lens from my old telescope? Any advice would be helpful. Can I get one made if I can’t find one or could it be a standard lens size. Focal length is 1400mm Not having much luck finding spares as telescope is an old one. Thanks
  5. thanks for advice from everyone. Yes it’s not as easy as I thought to find a lens. It was always suspect at £20 but I am still hoping to get it to work. It’s an old telescope now. Not found on eBay or amazon as yet. Won’t be seeing any stars just yet
  6. Ahh no it’s not. You’re a super star! That’s good news except how do I find one of those?
  7. Hi yes here’s the length. Could the eye pieces be wrong? Or is there anything missing after the pirmery and secondary mirrors as there’s screw thread at the bottom of focuser Tube.
  8. Hi and thanks. Does these pictures help at all. I know the telescope could need collimating better, but what ever I adjust I can see a thunder bug on the window but nothing further. This can’t be right, can it?
  9. Hi, can anyone give me advice about my telescope I brought for £20. Yes I knew there could be a problem when brought it but was desperate to fulfill a desire to start stargazin. It’s a reflector so only has a few parts but I can’t get it to focus except about 3-5 meters away which is always crystal clear. I can’t see out of open window and no matter what I try and set I can always see the window frame crystal clear.. could I have been given the wrong eye pieces or is there something missing. Can anyone help me with this. Many thanks
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